List Detail

Handbell Choir

The St. Timothy’s four-and-a-half octave English Handbell Choir is a long honored tradition and is part of the fabric of School life. The Bell Choir performs on and off campus throughout the year at events such as the annual Lessons and Carols holiday program; our Cum Laude Society induction in the spring; and at Commencement every June.
When the audience hears these beautiful hand cast bells, they are entranced by their sparkling tones and by the tight coordination of 14 girls who make the many bells flow into one sound. The oldest bells in our set were made by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in England, a company that has existed for more than 300 years. Whitechapel cast the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, the famous Big Ben in London, and a bell that was rung to celebrate the opening of the 2012 London Summer Olympics.

In their IB journals, students often reflect upon the sense of camaraderie and enjoyment they feel while working on challenging pieces together. The members of the Handbell Choir often form close bonds and lasting friendships. Some of the students go on to perform in bell choirs in college and/or local churches.