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Final Regular Season Meet - Little Victories

Coach Hermano and Coach Wong
Down two key member due to medical reasons, the St. Tim's cross country team entered their final regular season meet with fewer than required minimum to score.  This meant they would have to forfeit against Friends and Key, ending their regular season anticlimatically. 

However, even knowing they would take a loss, the St. Tim's runner came out ready to complete.  With nothing to lose, they went out at a fast pace and were determined to hold on to it as long as they could.  This race plan, resulted in two big PRs, one of the team captain and one for the most improved runner of the season.  Not considering the loss, this race was a great way to end the season, as it reminded everyone that, first-and-foremost, you are racing against yourself and there are many little victories to be had even if you don't win the meet.