News Detail

Boat Regatta 2023

We are off to a fantastic start, with students and faculty settling into the routine of a new academic year and plenty of exciting events happening on campus. On Friday, September 1, class spirit was on full display as each class performed an original song and an original cheer before the annual Boat Regatta, where each class engineered a themed cardboard boat to race in the campus pond. 
We are off to a fantastic start, with students and faculty settling into the routine of a new academic year and plenty of exciting events happening on campus. On Monday, August 28, the newest members of our community gathered with the Sixes class for the traditional Old Girl/New Girl dinner.

On Friday, September 1, class spirit was on full display as each class performed an original song and an original cheer before the annual Boat Regatta, where each class engineered a themed cardboard boat to race in the campus pond. The 5s won the race with the best-themed boat; followed by the 3s, who also won the best song. The 4s came in third place and won the best cheer; the 6s finished last, but it was a great display of teamwork and class pride. The Carnival and Cookout followed with giant inflatables set up for students on the softball field, and an outdoor movie in the Gerry Amphitheater was the perfect way to end the night.